You must be TC registered to compete in NZIFSA sanctioned competitions, for all grades from Pre Elementary and up. Registration is not required for Kiwi Skate.
You must be TC registered in order to sit all Free Skating and Stroking tests.
You must complete the NZIFSA TC registration form and submit to the DISC TC Secretary via email or the DISC club mailbox at the rink. First time registrations must be accompanied by proof of identity (copy of passport or birth certificate).
It costs $90 per calendar year (even if you register in November).
Make online payment to DUNEDIN ICE SKATING CLUB INC:
Account 38-9022-0620498-01
Enter the skater's name as the reference and 'TC REG' in the particulars.
TC registration must be renewed each year.
The process is as follows:
Go to the NZIFSA members area page
Click on the myNZIFSA tab which will prompt for login details if you are not already logged in
In the pink box labelled 'My TC Number' click on the link called 'Pre-printed form'
A pdf file will open with the skater's details prepopulated, check that this is correct and make any changes as necessary, then sign and email to the DISC TC Secretary
Please make online payment to DUNEDIN ICE SKATING CLUB INC. Account 38-9022-0620498-01. Ensure to enter the skater's name as the reference and 'TC REG' in the particulars